Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Character questions #11-15


  1. We've heard vague mentions of 'monsters' that the more martial fairies have to fight, but we have yet to see any of them. Are they natural predators of the fairies, or are the beasts more like normal wildlife that need to be managed to keep from getting out of control?

    1. On the fairy island, there are animals and monsters, monsters are mutated animals that actively prey on fairies for their magic energy. We haven't seen them in the comic yet, because they are contained in the dark forest, which we haven't visited yet. Outside of the island there are monsters too, that are generally much bigger and scarier, like the sea monster the star fairies fought.

  2. Which begs the question: Why did she go to the Nihallak's ship if she was just going to hide from them?

    1. Because the world was going to hell. If hiding in an enemy ship or getting vaporized by a potential blastwave are your only options, might as well try to hide.


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