Monday, April 29, 2019

Page 330

 A quick dive into Macey's mind~

Also, following Patreon's BS, Discord is now where my fvt content and patron rewards will be uploaded! Feel free to drop by, but play nice! 

Friday, April 26, 2019

Dark Forest Entry 11

So, instead of a comic page today you're getting this bonus artwork that was meant for Patreon but that patreon asked me to delete along with other stuff. 

As some of you might have been aware, patreon, along with a bunch of other website really, has started restricting the kind of content it allow on their platform, it started roughly a year ago and given fvt is mostly silly I though I might be in the clear, but I'm not.  For the record, this is not the first time I upload this kind of imagery on Patreon, hell there was also an entire arc with the fighty pink fairy getting molested by nihallak 487, and that was fine apparently, and there's also, well, all of grim fate comic, but this image was flagged not for bestiality, but sexual violence.

Given that the war between fairies and nihallak will intensify in the coming chapters, and that some of the main characters will go into the dark forest, that mean that the future of the comic is compromised on Patreon. That doesn't mean I'm stopping the comic, HELL NO. It just mean I'll have to find a better way to distribute the rewards my paying fans that doesn't involve uploading to patreon. There's been heavy discussion on my discord about it, but until I figure it out, the comic will be on Pause. Fear not, we'll most likely return first week of May.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Page 329

I'm not saying no fairies can win in a sex battle against a nihallak, but Macey is not the one for the job.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Monday, April 15, 2019

Page 327

Changing tactics.

Also, for the sake of convenience, I added the link to a downloadable version of
the comic and comic's bonus content on the right. It has not been updated with the
chapter 3 yet, it is on my to-do list.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Page 324

It's like trying to have a discussion while you have hiccups, it's difficult to streamline your thoughts ;)

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Fairy on the rock

Laura the dark/fire fairy sunbathing, another contest artwork :)

Oviworm Shop

This image could be almost canon to the lore, except that star fairy in the back doesn't exist! But yes in certain towns they do breed monsters for various reasons~

Tentacle breeding ground

Non canon stuff, done as a contest reward picture. I mean to post more content here
but I keep forgetting! :<

Dark Forest Entry 9

There's been talk about the memory thief since the last page update, so here is the official dark forest entry! I plan to upload the others eventually and make sure they are all in order when you click the label. They will also be part of the Downloadable pack I will release once chapter 3 is over.

I want to point out that at the end of the description it is mentioned the memory thief is not sentient. This is true, at first, but like all monsters of the dark forest it can evolve over time given enough energy, so it has the potential to become sentient and self aware.