Friday, April 26, 2019

Dark Forest Entry 11

So, instead of a comic page today you're getting this bonus artwork that was meant for Patreon but that patreon asked me to delete along with other stuff. 

As some of you might have been aware, patreon, along with a bunch of other website really, has started restricting the kind of content it allow on their platform, it started roughly a year ago and given fvt is mostly silly I though I might be in the clear, but I'm not.  For the record, this is not the first time I upload this kind of imagery on Patreon, hell there was also an entire arc with the fighty pink fairy getting molested by nihallak 487, and that was fine apparently, and there's also, well, all of grim fate comic, but this image was flagged not for bestiality, but sexual violence.

Given that the war between fairies and nihallak will intensify in the coming chapters, and that some of the main characters will go into the dark forest, that mean that the future of the comic is compromised on Patreon. That doesn't mean I'm stopping the comic, HELL NO. It just mean I'll have to find a better way to distribute the rewards my paying fans that doesn't involve uploading to patreon. There's been heavy discussion on my discord about it, but until I figure it out, the comic will be on Pause. Fear not, we'll most likely return first week of May.


  1. Replies
    1. Paypal is brutal with nsfw creators as well, in fact many suspect Patreon do what they do because of pressure from paypal and other investors.

  2. Glad to see you won't bow to Patreon's corrupt censorship. Your stuff is great, keep up the good work!

  3. Alot of people have been suffering the wrath of the "Purification of Patreon". I'm getting tired of these website's dictating what they allow on they're platform Long After The Fact!

    Anyway, if your looking for a new platform, I'd recommend "Subscribestar". Seems to be where everyone else is going.

    1. Yeah I'm keeping an eye out for those new places, but they had issues of their own, and moving an entire fanbase to a new platform is difficult, so I wanna be sure it's the right move. For now I'll use Patreon as a tip jar and the community and reward content will instead be focused on the discord server.

  4. Keep collecting money through Patreon until you've got Sponsorion up and running, just don't post any more art there. Most of the higher rewards seem to be about influencing what gets created at all, rather than early access, anyway.

    1. That's roughly the plan, and if all else fail, FvT will go to Hiatus while I start one of the sfw comic project I had on the backburner, and THAT comic will be used to finance my naughtier stuff mwahahah.

  5. I don't understand this new purity movement. They've made statements claiming it supports whatever -ism is in vogue right now, and it really doesn't support jack. Your content is protected speech, keep getting it out there on whatever platform you can.

    You're fighting for the same rights we are in the free press. We're all in this together man.

    1. It's tough, the internet is in flux in a lot of countries, about what will be allowed in the future or not, we gotta keep an eye out and fight the good fight.


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