Monday, February 18, 2019

Page 311

Tentacle overload!

So I'm back from vacation, things were pretty neat, and I like to believe I feel better for it.  I need to focus on this website in the coming days and upload more stuff! This is supposed to be my new art repository and it's still pretty empty <__<


  1. Good to have you back! Glad you had a good time.

  2. So it's going to be blogspot over all the other sites as your main repo?

    1. Well outside of HentaiFoundry, which is the oldest, yes. I plan to reupload more of my work here over time, and not just bonus fvt stuff, but I've been forgetting.

  3. Not fond of whatever you did recently to improve the site. Loading time is *way* up.

    1. The only thing I did this month so far is upload that page. If you have issues, you need to look it up with Google/Blogger, because this is their platform. Personally everything run the same so far.


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