Sunday, March 10, 2019

Character question #21-25


  1. I've got another question (and thanks for answering my last one so epicly!). This one is more specific than the last one, and I think I should address it to the author directly this time: Do you have any plans on introducing human or human-ish males to the story? And even if you don't have any such intentions, how do you *think* the fairies would react to such strange creatures?

    1. I do not plan to introduce humans at all to this story, you could say this is happening in a galaxy far, far away, but it's a whole different universe, really. As for how they would react, well, fairies are already exposed to all kind of weird creatures, and just like the fairies in the village didn't run screaming at the sight of a nihallak but were mostly surprised, the same would probably happen with a human, probably to an ever lesser extent given how similar to them they would seem at first glance. Sex would probably happen not long after that, and they would be surprised at how little stamina human males have with their tiny, tiny tail XD


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