Friday, March 22, 2019

Page 320

Time to use her stubbornness against her!


  1. I find it quite interesting how Zak seems to be more than willing to talk things out, while the rest of the Nihallaks and the Nihallak queen/possible lost fairy are more than content to just kidnap all the faeries and then rule the planet. I honestly wonder what is making Zak so open minded, considering he is of the same race and has received the exact same teachings at the other Nihallaks.

    1. He has a curiosity trait, which compel him to explore new routes to further his species's goal. That curiosity trait is what motivated the emperor to make his cloned successor, 298, the chef scientist aboard the ship to experiment on fairies. So you can kinda say there's a good zak and an evil zak now.

  2. Zak is the free thinker protagonist from those dystopian novels. Also yay consentacles

  3. That derpy look in the middle panel when you interpret Zak's big (closed) eye as a mouth xD

  4. Lol when whenever zak closes his eye he looks so derpy


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