Friday, June 14, 2019

Page 343

The place where they are, Guardian, is really close to the Dark Forest which is why Nadisha has such strange pets. A purple dog-like creature with tendrils poking out of it's back is NOT a common occurrence.


  1. Memory loss, oh boy!! Take your bets!
    Is she eventually going to A) Remember she's an evil person and become an antagonist, B) Remember she's an evil person but change her ways because of her nice time with the protagonists, C) Remember a dark secret from the dark fairies and she'll lead a fight against them, D) Remember she is some kind of very high rank person and will end up being the one making peace between everyone…

    It's a memory loss, the narrative possibilities are ENDLESS!

    1. I'm not trying to spoil anything, but I can say she's not evil, unless you consider killing horny monsters evil, and if she was a very high ranked person, I think some people would be looking for her, or recognize her when she's wandering about. But there is still many possibilities lol.


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