Monday, June 17, 2019

Page 344

A memory thief steal a fairy's memories with each orgasm, ultimately killing her if not stopped, as the creature eventually disrupt even basic functions like breathing.


  1. We get that everything out there aims to fuck fairies to get energy, as it helps/is required for their survival, but memories??

    It's a FUCKING PLANT!! What use does it have in stealing MEMORY??
    It's not even EFFICIENT, COUNTERPRODUCTIVE, even, since it eventually kills the fairy, ending its supply of energy!!

    1. Where did you read it was a plant? Monsters of the dark forest are a weird assembly of many things. It has psy abilities and it's "stealing" ability is actually a copy system that allow it to evolve its own intelligence, thus becoming a better predator.

    2. "a copy system that allow it to evolve its own intelligence, thus becoming a better predator."

      Wouldn't the VERY FIRST thing it would do if it was actually getting more intelligent be "stop killing your energy source"?

      If it's actually getting smarter, it should stop taking their memories when he's at the "personal vital body function". It's of no use to it (at least shouldn't be), and on top of that, he surely already has the info anyway from all the other fairies it did fully wipe.

    3. I mentioned on discord that some of them could eventually evolve and use mostly drained fairies as puppets/slaves, but they are definitely deadly creatures nonetheless.

      I think it's funny that you assume the first thing a sentient creature would do would be preserving its energy source, because humans certainly didn't do that at any point in history. We burned through species, fertile soil, fuel sources, even human slaves like there's no tomorrow and we're only now considering that maybe we shouldn't do that. You genuinely expect a creature to assume the same level of enlightenment in a few months or years? To it there will always be more fairies coming to the forest, as we thought there would always be more oil in the derricks or freshwater in the rivers.

    4. I'm… I'm gonna go stand in a corner now ( o_o)

    5. With all due respect Most Enlighten One I would like,if I am allowed to do such brazen things, to point out that notion that while milking a cow multiple times is quite possible, killing this particular cow is rather one of this "once in a lifetime" occasions is not really that new. I would even dare to say it is fairly ancient.

  2. Let's see if this works...

    | D I S
    | B E L
    | I E F

    wellp, there's my disbelief suspended. Where's yours?

    1. It's easy to say, but frankly, once you accept a few basic premises, his universe's coherence is actually quite solid; I gotta say I'm having fun poking at its structure in hope to find a brittle part.

  3. Huh, that's pretty interesting. I figure the mental 'feeding' process that drains memories isn't a perfect one, thus explaining why it keeps going and targets other fairies even after burning out the mind of one.

  4. It appears Macey has had a previous encounter with the memory thief.


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