Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Long term plans

I joined Blogger after Tumblr's nsfw crackdown in hope of finding a new home. While this place has been quite decent, with Patreon now doing it's own crackdown on nsfw content, it becomes clear to me I need to create my own personal website, with membership system and donations buttons, proper comic-reading interface, and so on.

I thought for a while of heavily customizing this blog's CSS to match my needs, but the truth is, I'm still relying on Google to -NOT- follow the path of other social media platforms, and that's not a safe bet. I need to become fully independent from as many element as I can, as the social platforms are just not safe havens for indie creators like me anymore.

The reason I'm writing this is to explain why it doesn't feel I havet put that much work into
this blog. I moved in, put a fresh coat of paint, unpacked a few boxes, but haven't made it my home, and now you know why. I had put so much work on my tumblr only to have it shut down randomly, and while I heard like all of you about the rumors of tumblr being purchased by pornhub and restoring nsfw, until that happen I won't hold my breath.

This is all to say, the comic will still be uploaded here as frequently as everywhere else, and I will read and answers comments, but my long term plan is to create my own website and I will let you know when this becomes a reality.


  1. Are you having problems with patreon? There's a lot of nsfw stuff I follow there and some I support. I thought they were being more ok with erotica...

    1. Yes I had to delete some stuff from there, and now I only upload the nsfw bonus content on discord.

      First they were like "No bestiality,loli or sexual violence", but then they started cranking the dial up to include fantasy creatures of all sorts under the bestiality tab, and "no sexual violence" became "anything where one of the character doesn't seem like they enjoy or consent", so that now include bdsm, hypnosis, soft vore, transformation, and so on. It's just chilling at this point. They don't want to say they ban nsfw, but it's almost as if.

    2. That sucks. They should be more clear with their rules. Maybe just post your content outside patreon. Some people I support either have their own site for the content and just link there or put in download sites like mega.

    3. Yeah, discord is mainly my base of operation right now since I can use roles as bonus content tier systems, so I only post text updates or sfw images on patreon for now, but I consider finding a way to get rid of it entirely.

  2. What about that whole Sponsorion thing? Did that ever take off?

    1. While the website is 99% built and currently online but not accepting memberships, we ended up stuck when dealing with the banks, who were less than favorable to our cause. As a result, the company and website is being bought by another entity who believes has the ressources to get it going, I do not know what will happen after that point.

  3. Have you considered Subscribestar? It's basically where most people are leaving Patreon to post NSFW content.

    ...but yeah, it suck's these website aren't accepting adult content. Ya know, the fucking Backbone of the whole freaking Internet.

    1. Since while me and my colleagues were basically competition to subscribstar, we did some digging on their processing and TOS, and it's somehow worst than patreon, they simply don't enforce it yet, but like patreon they will when asked to. Also they're playing with fire by using payment processors that don't deal with adult content and simply hope to not get caught, they already changed twice before. Another similar website gave up and is just using cryptocurrency now. We didn't want to take this route and wanted to do things the legal way with sponsorion, but the bank just don't want to work with us so far. We'd need to have an history with them, which we don't because we're a startup.

  4. I'm really surprised pornhub isn't rolling their own solution, but yeah, honestly? I wouldn't trust any of these cloud providers. Roll a simple solution yourself and build on trusted open source.

    1. That's what I hope, but I either need time to get to it, or money to pay someone more competent to do it for me :P

  5. Check out
    I'm building my blog following their tutorials and it's coming together nicely.

    1. *checks* ew! I mean great if it work for your, but their frontpage design screams "we're scammers", so they might want to work on that. Anyway if I'm gonna do it myself, I just need to buy a domain, pick a nsfw friendly space and get to work using wordpress or some other kit, it's not a big deal I know html, some java and CSS, but it require time, the one thing I don't really have lol, that's why I'd consider hiring someone, cause I'm busy drawing comics.

  6. I look forward to you launching your site, and will bookmark it.

  7. I'm following you since quite a long time now and I have to deplore too that.. lot of NSFW artist have trouble and it's so sad :(

    You can try Openclassroom too learn how to code your own website from nothing, it could help.

    Last thing : I love your work and what you do with you fairies. I espacially love their way of reproduction ! (I'm huge fan of Futanari/hermaprodite but your way of reproduction is a substitute very cool !)

    1. Glad you like my comic, and I'll keep that website in mind. And yes these are tough times for nsfw art.


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